Lab meeting: 2024-03-19

lab meetings
Visual Acuity

March 19, 2024


September 4, 2024

Belle Peterson talked about our first pilot PLAY participant.

We agreed to push discussion of this paper until two weeks from now:

Franconeri, S. L., Padilla, L. M., Shah, P., Zacks, J. M., & Hullman, J. (2021). The Science of Visual Data Communication: What Works. Psychological Science in the Public Interest: A Journal of the American Psychological Society, 22(3), 110–161.

Rick and the Legacy Project: Visual Acuity team worked on a dashboard to track progress. We found a bug in our code, but switching to the ‘googlesheets4’ package fixed our download errors. Here is a figure from that workflow:

Distribution of publication dates encoded thus far.