

Rick Gilmore & Yiming Qian


September 12, 2023

Sex differences in vision

Discussion of (Abramov, Gordon, Feldman, & Chavarga, 2012)

Abramov, I., Gordon, J., Feldman, O., & Chavarga, A. (2012). Sex & vision I: Spatio-temporal resolution. Biology of Sex Differences, 3(1), 20. bsd.biomedcentral.com. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/2042-6410-3-20

What did they do?

Who were the participants?

  • Adults (faculty, graduate and undergraduate students at Brooklyn College, some high school students)
  • \(n=36\) females (16-38 years; mean = 23.5 years); \(n=16\) males (16-37 years; mean 24.3 years)

These numbers of participants are appreciably larger than those in the vast majority of detailed psychophysical studies of vision.

What tasks did they perform?

Example display


  • Spatio-Temporal Contrast Sensitivity Function (ST-CSF)

Contrast sensitivity function example



What specific variables/measures were of interest?

I manipulate independent variables (controlled variables or ‘inputs’); ‘Dey’ provide information about dependent variables (responses/outcome variables or ‘outputs’)

  • ST-CSF thresholds
    • at different spatial frequencies and temporal frequencies

How many visits/data collection sessions?

  • 15+ laboratory sessions

Furthermore, each of our participants had to complete our entire Battery of tests of vision; this entailed coming to the laboratory for fifteen or more sessions of approximately one hour.

How were the data analyzed?

What did they find?

Group contrast sensitivity functions (females)

Group contrast sensitivity functions (males)

Ratios of group contrast sensitivity functions (Males/Females)

Why does it matter?

Questions and constructive comments


Abramov, I., Gordon, J., Feldman, O., & Chavarga, A. (2012). Sex & vision i: Spatio-temporal resolution. Biology of Sex Differences, 3(1), 20. https://doi.org/10.1186/2042-6410-3-20